Thursday, October 28, 2021

Hello (again)

Four years, huh? Since my last post. Interesting.

It's not that there haven't been any "posting" ideas. There seem to be more ideas than ever, trapped inside my head.

No, it comes down to priorities. I have consistently selected anything else other than writing for my free time. Writing is not on my task list as something I have to do; it is my hobby, a form of release. I have been selecting alternate forms of release over the past few years.

Reading. Always my go-to choice. Unless I dislike the book I am reading, but I have learned it is OK to stop reading a book that I don't like. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Watching TV. Not a great pull for me for use of free time unless I need to give my brain downtime.

Crocheting. This is usually buddied with TV or movies: it is something to do with my hands while I am watching a show. Mostly, I am creating baby blankets and hats to donate to a local charity.

Wasting Time. AKA playing games on my iPad. A few years ago, I deleted all games from my iPhone. I stuck to that except when I caved and downloaded Candy Crush... a big mistake that lasted a few weeks until I removed it. Games are now relegated to my iPad and I don't play them often. This usually takes the place of crocheting when I don't feel like crocheting.

Playing Music. By "playing" I mean actually playing an instrument, not listening to recorded music. I am a musician, so my options include flute, piano, piccolo, guitar, ukulele, recorder, trumpet, french horn, djembe, and a variety of small instruments scattered throughout my house. Sadly, I do not prioritize this, either. Perhaps because it is what I do every day, so it is not truly a "free time" option.


And this is what brings me back around to the topic on hand. I have never viewed myself as a "writer." I dabbled in poetry when I was younger (say elementary age through high school). My writing assignments in high school and college were mostly well-received, typically receiving comments that I was too brief. That still holds true today... I often need assistance to "round out" my writing. I started this blog in 2011 probably due to an innate yearning to put my words out there in some way. Some of what is in the archive are dribbly crap, but there are a couple gems hiding in the mess.

Over the past few years, I have found myself writing more for my organization, mostly letters and grant proposals. I started working with a local publishing company this year doing some proofing and editing, and find I really enjoy those tasks. Lately, I have been reading poetry and found a spark to write poetry again.

I have decided to revisit my blog as a way to revisit writing. It could appear in any form: essay, poetry, freeform, prose, stream of thought, letter. I am not holding myself to any specific writing timeline or goal, only that I hope to write something at least once a week. Get it out of my head and out of my heart. Wish me luck.